iMEDCAP, led by Technische Universität München as the Coordinator, sets out to revolutionise the emergency detection, identification, extraction, treatment, and evacuation of gravely injured and possibly contagious personnel in a completely autonomous way.
iMEDCAP sets out to design and develop a rescue system, which facilitates the autonomous detection of injured personnel, the automatic definition of an evacuation and rescue strategy, as well as an initial treatment in an interoperable patient box – equipped with diagnostic and intervention equipment – during transport under remote control.

MEDCAP brings together partners from the armed forces, universities, small- and medium-sized entities and industrial partners, sharing their expertise in their research fields and advancing their technologies and know-how towards a sophisticated solution. The final outcome of iMEDCAP will be the validation of the components as well as a roadmap for further development, laying the foundations for a modern and digital European rescue system.
Read more: iMEDCAP-Factsheet_EDF22.pdf